health resources
Learn how to use Corporate Health apps through instructional videos

Instructional videos for HR staff
How to use your Corporate Health website

How to add your employees
In this video, we explain how to add your employees to your Corporate Health website, either one by one, or as a bulk upload.

How to create cohorts
In order to schedule any event, the first step is creating cohorts. Using cohorts allows you to slice and dice your employee pool into different days and time slots. Here is how to do that.

How to Schedule Events
After you have created your cohorts, you may now plot your events on your calendar. This video demonstrates this last step to create your company's health and wellness event.
How to add more people to your event
After creating your event, you may find that there are additional people, or cohorts, you would like to add. You are welcome to make any changes up to 24 hours before your event starts. Here is how to do that.
How to edit a cohort or remove someone from an upcoming event
If you need to edit an existing cohort, or remove someone from an upcoming event- thereby needing to edit the cohort they are in- here is an instructional video on how to do that easily.
Helpful videos for employees
How to manage your corporate health account

How to register, as an employee or dependent, on your company's system
In order to have access to your company's health events you will need to register or "link" yourself to its Corporate Health system. You will first be sent an invitation to register through SMS or email. This video will show you the quick and easy steps to onboarding.